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  • Writer's pictureNora Abibsi

Invitation to connect differently to health knowledge, one link at a time

I came across a fb post from a physiotherapist who asked the following question:

What could researchers do so the results of their work is more coherent with the needs of the clinicians’ (the translation is clunky, sorry about that!.

I will explore avenues of reflection on several levels:

1. Q asked: What could researchers do so the results of their work is more coherent with the needs of the clinicians –> Research results (evidence) do not meet the needs of clinicians all the time, nor the needs of individuals in general –> I perceive a broken link here (disconnection)

2. Knowledge in physiotherapy, and health approaches in general, all fit into a system: a system of evidence, patient experiences, Evidence based,... a system that is co-constructed by thousands of individuals and institutes/institutions. The elements of this system communicate little with each other (disconnection) and are often in competition – there is a lack of feedback loops

a. There is a conceptualisation of the body as a disjointed entity (silos): neurology, musculoskeletal, dermatology,..

b. There is a subdivision of entities that are involved: pharma, orders, colleges, associations,.. and none (rarely) are in communication / at the service of the other) (disconnection)

3. The approach to extracting data and interpreting them is purely mental (or mostly) – nothing bad in itself, but this does not integrate the resources and intelligences that researchers and clinicians have at their disposal (disconnection )

a. I will elaborate on this point at another time.

To name just a few manifestations of the ‘Disconnect’ in these specific systems:

- It is therefore not surprising that the efforts of researchers do not meet the needs

- It is not surprising that clinicians have difficulty in mastering and some even resist the process of interpreting data

- It is not surprising to experience a challenge to keep up to date in this field

I return to this concept of system. When a system does not receive a feedback loop about itself (info on its operation, its state, its ability to see/feel itself,..) and there are many disconnecting elements that constitutes it (hence among other things the lack of actualization of the members of the system)… it is a system which tends towards anarchy… and isn't this what we have in a certain way?

= A health system and a scientific data extraction/interpretation machinery that does not meet the needs of individuals and collectivities?

I use, among other things, lateral knowledge in the creation of this post : the principles of general systems theory. More particularly the reflections brought by Otto Scharmer: Theory U (we have there very stimulating tracks of solutions in co-creation) – another post will soon follow!

If you're interested and passionate about this (I'm interested and passionate about it!!), I would like to meet on a virtual platform (Zoom/Teams) to explore this point of view (and any others!) .. and see what we will all create together ? for your email contact. Looking forward to connecting ;)

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